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Jak wyczyścić filtry ze wszystkich arkuszy w aktywnym skoroszycie w programie Excel?

Przypuśćmy, że utworzyłeś wiele filtrów w różnych arkuszach w skoroszycie programu Excel, a teraz chcesz wyczyścić wszystkie te filtry jednocześnie. Zwykle musisz przechodzić do arkusza po kolei, aby sprawdzić filtr, a następnie wyczyścić go ręcznie. Czy istnieje wygodna metoda usuwania filtrów ze wszystkich arkuszy w aktywnym skoroszycie? Wypróbuj metodę opisaną w tym artykule.

Wyczyść filtry ze wszystkich arkuszy w aktywnym skoroszycie z kodem VBA

Wyczyść filtry ze wszystkich arkuszy w aktywnym skoroszycie z kodem VBA

Uruchom poniższy skrypt VBA, aby wyczyścić filtry ze wszystkich arkuszy w aktywnym skoroszycie.

1. W skoroszycie, z którego chcesz wyczyścić filtry, naciśnij przycisk inny + F11 klawisze, aby otworzyć Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications okno.

2. w Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications okno, kliknij wstawka > Moduł. Następnie skopiuj i wklej poniższy skrypt VBA do okna modułu. Zobacz zrzut ekranu poniżej:

Kod VBA: Wyczyść filtry ze wszystkich arkuszy w aktywnym skoroszycie

Sub Clear_fiter()()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20210625
    Dim xAF As AutoFilter
    Dim xFs As Filters
    Dim xLos As ListObjects
    Dim xLo As ListObject
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xWs As Worksheet
    Dim xIntC, xF1, xF2, xCount As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each xWs In Application.Worksheets
        Set xLos = xWs.ListObjects
        xCount = xLos.Count
        For xF1 = 1 To xCount
         Set xLo = xLos.Item(xF1)
         Set xRg = xLo.Range
         xIntC = xRg.Columns.Count
         For xF2 = 1 To xIntC
            xLo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=xF2
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

3. wciśnij F5 klucz do uruchomienia kodu. Następnie wszystkie filtry we wszystkich arkuszach w bieżącym skoroszycie są natychmiast czyszczone.

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Comments (11)
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@Lorif - delete For Each xWs In Application.Worksheets and one of the Nexts
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Which line should I change to restrict the macro to ONLY the active sheet, rather than all of them?Much appreciated!
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hi, everytime I open the file the macro runs and the filters are cleared, how to avoid that "auto run" of the macro?
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Hi Juan Moreno,
I am sorry for my mistake.Replace the first line:
Sub Auto_Open()withSub Clear_filter()with solve the problem.
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this removes all filters, I wanted something that would clear the filters not remove them.
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Hi Saima,I got your point. The code has been updated in the post to only clear the filters instead of removing them. Please to have a try and sorry for the inconvenience.<div data-tag="code">Sub Auto_Open()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20201113
Dim xAF As AutoFilter
Dim xFs As Filters
Dim xLos As ListObjects
Dim xLo As ListObject
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim xIntC, xF1, xF2, xCount As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
For Each xWs In Application.Worksheets
Set xLos = xWs.ListObjects
xCount = xLos.Count
For xF1 = 1 To xCount
Set xLo = xLos.Item(xF1)
Set xRg = xLo.Range
xIntC = xRg.Columns.Count
For xF2 = 1 To xIntC
xLo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=xF2
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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Thanks this help me alot ;=)
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You fucking scumbag this deleted all our filters! Our whole python script was destroyed as a result of it costing us hours! GO TO HELL YOU SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You're getting free help and degrading others for your own stupid mistakes. People like you deserve a special place in hell
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Why didn't you test it fully before working on your latest file and don't you have backup... work on your IT habits before using harsh language.
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Sorry for the mistake. The code has been updated in the post to only clear the filters instead of removing them. Please to have a try and sorry for the inconvenience.
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