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Jak zapobiec zapisywaniu, jeśli określona komórka jest pusta w programie Excel?

Autor: Kelly Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2022-09-07

Na przykład zaprojektowałeś formularz w arkuszu i udostępniasz go współpracownikom. Masz nadzieję, że Twoi współpracownicy wypełnią swoje nazwiska w określonej komórce, aby wskazać, kto wszedł do tego formularza, w przeciwnym razie uniemożliwić im zapisanie formularza, jak możesz to zrobić? Tutaj przedstawię makro VBA, aby zapobiec zapisywaniu skoroszytu, jeśli określona komórka jest pusta w programie Excel.

strzałka niebieski prawy bąbelekZapobiegaj zapisywaniu, jeśli określona komórka jest pusta w programie Excel

Aby zapobiec zapisywaniu bieżącego skoroszytu, jeśli określona komórka jest pusta w programie Excel, możesz łatwo zastosować następujące makro VBA.

Krok 1: Otwórz okno Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications, naciskając inny + F11 klucze w międzyczasie.

Krok 2: W Eksploratorze projektów rozwiń plik VBAProject (nazwa twojego skoroszytu.xlsm) i Obiekty Microsoft Excel, a następnie kliknij dwukrotnie plik Ten zeszyt. Zobacz zrzut ekranu po lewej:

Krok 3: W otwartym oknie ThisWorkbook wklej następujące makro VBA:

Makro VBA: Zapobiegaj zapisywaniu, jeśli określona komórka jest pusta

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
'Update by ExtendOffice 20220907
Dim xFileName As String
Dim xStr As String
Dim xStrWSH As String
Dim xWSh As Worksheet
Dim xWShs As Sheets
Dim xWSh1 As Worksheet
Dim xWB As Workbook

xStrWSH = "xHidWSH_LJY"
On Error Resume Next
Set xWB = Application.ActiveWorkbook
Set xWShs = xWB.Worksheets
Set xWSh = xWShs.Item(xStrWSH)

If xWSh Is Nothing Then

  Set xWSh1 = xWShs.Add
  xWSh1.Name = xStrWSH
  xWSh1.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
  Cancel = False


  If Trim(Application.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value) = "" Then
  Cancel = True
  MsgBox "Save cancelled"
  End If

End If

End Sub
1. W 26. wierszu powyższego kodu VBA, „Arkusz1” to konkretna nazwa arkusza, a „A1”to konkretna komórka i możesz je zmienić w razie potrzeby.
2. Po wejściu do VBA w Ten zeszyt, należy najpierw zapisać skoroszyt. A następnie możesz wysłać plik z obsługą makr do innych.

Teraz, jeśli określona komórka jest pusta w bieżącym skoroszycie, po jej zapisaniu pojawi się okno dialogowe z ostrzeżeniem i informacją „Zapis anulowany". Zobacz następujący zrzut ekranu:

strzałka niebieski prawy bąbelekPowiązane artykuły

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io avrei bisogno di impostare una macro simile a quella di Eduardo. In particolare, ho due tabelle:
'- prima tabella A18:P28
'- seconda tabella A33:P41.
Vorrei impedire che l'utente salvi il file se ha compilato la cella A18 e le altre attigue (B18:P18) le ha lasciate vuote oppure se ha compilato la cella A33 e ha lasciato vuole le attigue (B33:P33). In questo caso, come dovrei impostare la macro? Grazie in anticipo a chi risponderà!
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Hi there,

Do you mean that you want to prevent from saving the file if A18 is filled while B18: P18 are blank? You also want to prevent from saving if A33 is filled while B33: P33 are blank?
Do you want to prevent from saving when both criteria are met, or when either of the criteria is met?
Also, please use English. Thanks in advance.

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This is not working, it states save cancelled but still ends up saving the workbook
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Note: In the VBA code, the "TEST" is the specific worksheet name, and the "A1" is the specific cell, and you can change them as you need.

For example, your sheet is named as "Sheet1", and the specified cell is B2, you need to change the sheet name and cell address in the VBA code before running it
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I tried above formula which works. May i know is there any formula can force user to fill in before they can save? As i set the pull down menu "Please select", "Yes" or "No" for them to select. But they always forgot to select that field and remain "Please select". If i add this VBA code only apply cell is blank. Much appreciate you can advise. Thank you
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Hi Happy,
Just replace the empty value “Sheets("TEST").Range("A1").Value = ""” to the specified text “Sheets("TEST").Range("A1").Value = "Please select"”And the whole code will be changed as below:
<div data-tag="code">Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Application.Sheets("TEST").Range("A1").Value = "Please select" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Save cancelled"
End If
End Sub

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Hi, I tried above formula which works. May i know is there any formula can force user to fill in before they can save? As i set the pull down menu "Please select", "Yes" or "No" for them to select. But they always forgot to select that field and remain "Please select". If i add this VBA code only apply cell is blank. Much appreciate you can advise. Thank you
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I have a VBA code that sorts and filters data from one excel table and save 48 different reports on my desktop. but based on those filters, some generated reports have only 1 row (headers) and no data. How can I add some VBA code to my file that prevents to save files that has just one row (header) and no data?
Thank you
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HiI have a VBA code that sorts and filters data from one excel table and save 48 different reports on my desktop. but based on those filters, some generated reports have only 1 row (headers) and no data. How can I add some VBA code to my file that prevents to save files that has just one row (header) and no data?Thank you
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good afternoon, I used the code above and it worked perfectly. my question is what should the code look like if I want to test on 2 cells? I am quite desperate. thanking you I advance for your assistance
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I have a very big spreadsheet that contains a lot of info.
Can someone please help me with a code to copy into VBA - I want it to be that if Cell C2-C1000+ have any info in them then cell O2-O1000+ and P2-P1000+ requires user input - however if a cell in Column C is empty then the cell in Column O & P can be empty as well. (for example) if cell C3 doesn't have any data input then cell O3-P3 can be empty.

Thank you :)
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Hi Yzelle,
Please remember to place below code into “ThisWorkbook” script window, and rename the worksheet name “Test” in the below code based on your condition.

Dim xIRg As Range
Dim xSRg As Range
Dim xBol As Boolean
Dim xInt As Integer
Dim xStr As String
If ActiveSheet.Name = "Test" Then
Set xRg = Range("C:C")
Set xRRg = Intersect(xRg.Worksheet.UsedRange, xRg)
xBol = False
On Error Resume Next
For xInt = 1 To xRRg.Count
Set xIRg = xRRg.Item(xInt)
If xIRg.Value2 <> "" Then
Set xSRg = Nothing
If (Range("O" & xIRg.Row) = "") Or (Range("P" & xIRg.Row) = "") Then
xBol = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If xBol Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Save cancelled"
End If
End If
End Sub
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Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

With Sheets("Sheet1")
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range("A1:A4")) <> WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range("B1:C4")) / 2 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please enter a values in columns B and C", vbCritical, "Error!"
End If
End With

End Sub

Just change the range from a to c, and from b to o and p
hope it will help
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Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

With Sheets("Sheet1")
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range("A1:A4")) <> WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range("B1:C4")) / 2 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please enter a values in columns B and C", vbCritical, "Error!"
End If
End With

End Sub

Just change the range from a to c, and from b to o and phope it will help
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Do you have a way that this can be coded so that either B or C need to be populated but its not required to populate both?
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This is really great. Do you know what I can do to make this work for a range of sheets and a number of cells? Also, these cells cannot always be the same, as there are sheets generated in this specific workbook which may not have the same cell needing to be filled each time. The cells will always be in the same column, just above the page border which is also generated. Thanks!
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Hi, very useful. BUT there is a problem when I use it for files on the sharepoint. The changes are not saved but a new version is created that is displayed when reopening which is quite confusing. Is it possible to disable these new versions ?
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