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Jak uszeregować wartości według grup w programie Excel?

Autor: Sun Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2020-05-27

W tym artykule omówię wartości rankingowe według grup w programie Excel, jak pokazano poniżej.
ranking doc według grupy 1

Ranguj wartości według grup

strzałka niebieski prawy bąbelek Ranguj wartości według grup

Istnieje formuła szybkiego oceniania wartości na podstawie grupy.

Wybierz pustą komórkę obok danych, na przykład C2, wpisz tę formułę, =SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$11=A2)*(B2<$B$2:$B$11))+1 następnie przeciągnij uchwyt autouzupełniania w dół, aby zastosować tę formułę do potrzebnych komórek.

We wzorze A2: A11 to zakres zawierający wartości grup, A2 to pierwsza komórka na liście wartości grup, B2 to pierwsza komórka na liście, która wymagała rangi, B2: B11 to lista zawierająca potrzebne wartości Oceniać.
ranking doc według grupy 2

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How to get unique ranks for Ex: Group Record RankA 100 1
If the same record repeat again I want rank 2 instead of 1.
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Hi Sunny, I will be so grateful for suggestions. I conducted a survey of stakeholders for our nonprofit. Our dataset of 53 responses now includes (1)type of stakeholder WHICH CAN INCLUDE MORE THAN ONE TYPE (ex: volunteer and donor); (2) rank order of top 3 skills (from a list) you feel are needed for your job; (3) rank order top 3 skills young people need today (from a list that is similar to but not exactly the same as the one used in the prior question). The format was to select from drop down list.Is it possible to analyze to see if Donors (for example) as a group prioritize similarly?
Thanks very much!
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Thanks for this solution! Is there a alteration that would allow me to omit blanks from the ranking?
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Hi, Nick, you can use the Filter feature in Excel to filter out blank cells firstly, and hide them or remove them, then use above formula to rank.
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hi sunny, i have a complex query here but need to visualize it to better understanding. how can i contact u with visualization?v
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How can I get it to rank in reverse order, from smallest to largest?
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Hi, Brian Q, you can use this formula =SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$11=A2)*(B2<$B$2:$B$11))+1 to ranke from smallest to largest
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I'm sorry, but I don't see a difference between this formula and the one above.
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B2> ; just reverse from less than to greater than.
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This is EXCEL-lent (see what I did there?)! Now that you have the rankings by group, how do you find out % from #1 rank within the group? For example, Group A has record 100 as #1, and record 93 as #3 ranked. If I wanted to add another column to find out how far off in percentage record #3 (93) is from record #1 (100), what is the formula to achieve this? The result should be rank #1 is 0%, and rank #3 is 7% off ((100/93)-1) from rank #1
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Devide the subject by the max of the group using a max if.

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Sorry I have not found a formula or other solution can handle ur question.
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