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Jak zaimportować i połączyć witrynę internetową w programie Excel?

Autor: Sun Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2020-08-20

Czy kiedykolwiek próbowałeś zaimportować witrynę internetową do arkusza i zmieniać ją, gdy witryna zmienia się w programie Excel? Tutaj przedstawiam, jak radzić sobie z tą pracą w arkuszu Excel.

Zaimportuj i połącz witrynę internetową w arkuszu Excel

Zaimportuj i połącz witrynę internetową w arkuszu Excel

Aby zaimportować i połączyć witrynę internetową w arkuszu programu Excel, możesz wykonać następujące czynności:

1. kliknij Dane > Z sieci.
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2. Następnie w Nowa kwerenda internetowa wpisz adres strony internetowej, do której chcesz importować Adres pole tekstowe i kliknij Go aby wyświetlić witrynę.
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3. kliknij importi Zaimportować dane pojawi się okno dialogowe wyboru komórki lub nowego arkusza do umieszczenia zawartości strony internetowej. Zobacz zrzut ekranu:
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4. kliknij OK. Teraz cała zawartość strony internetowej z wyłączeniem obrazów została zaimportowana do arkusza.
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5. Następnie zaznacz cały arkusz, a następnie kliknij Dane > Właściwości połączenia Grupa. Zobacz zrzut ekranu:
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6. w Właściwości zakresu danych zewnętrznych W oknie dialogowym zaznacz potrzebne opcje Kontrola odświeżania sekcję i kliknij OK.
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7. Możesz także odświeżyć zawartość arkusza, klikając ręcznie Odśwież wszystko > Odśwież wszystko / Odśwież.
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I am wondering about something.
I understand how to connect data from a webpage to Excel, through the URL. Although the URL gives access to one page on the net, but you can switch pages (all the results are not available in onepage, you need to click to the next page and so on). When i connect it to my Excel file, only the first page appears. How could I do this?
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Enzo, I open the Web Link and find where the cursor is placed initially. Manually Tab Forward or Backward until you move the cursor to the proper location. COUNT the number of times you pressed the TAB Key and include the appropriate number of "Application.SendKeys" as shown below. Once there you should be able to press the ENTER key to do what you need. I don't know if this will work or not but give it a go. Good luck.

' Tab BACKWARDS SIX (6) times to move from the "Agent ID" input field to the "Enter Shorthand or MLS#" input field.
Application.SendKeys ("+{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys ("+{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys ("+{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys ("+{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys ("+{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys ("+{TAB}")
SendKeys "^v", Yes ' The current session of HGMLS receives the PASTED MLS# (up to 250)
Application.SendKeys ("{TAB}")
SendKeys "~", Yes ' Press ENTER.
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Sunny, thanks for the reply. Indicating that it couldn't be done gave me the incentive to "make it happen". With a combination of "AppActivate" and "Sendkeys" commands, I was able to accomplish my task of jumping from an Excel VBA macro where I copied a list of IDs over to a Chrome link where I pasted those IDs to get information about them, and then jump back to Excel to get the next batch of IDs. It's not the most efficient code BUT it does what I want very nicely. Thanks.
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To clarify my request a bit. I have cell F1 which contains the code to Link to a website. In my macro, I execute: Range("F1").Hyperlinks(1).Follow and the link is opened. I minimize it after I have done what I need to do in the website and that gets me back into the macro. A few instructions later I am trying to jump back to the url but cannot do so without issuing the same command: Range("F1").Hyperlinks(1).Follow which open another screen but all I want to do is redisplay the already open url. Can't figure it out.
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Hi, Roger Plant, sorry that there is no way to do this.
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Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately, I am trying to jump to the already opened website from within a VBA macro to automate the process. Thanks for trying.
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I have an OPENED web site and I'd like to jump from a worksheet into that web site, without having to open it again. I'm trying to paste a number of IDs into a field in the Web site to look up their email and address but since I am limited to only 75 ids at a time I need to bounce back and forth copying 75 ids from the worksheet, jump into the web site, paste the data (and look up their information and save it as a PDF), then jump back to the Excel worksheet to copy the next 75 ids, again and again. How can I do this?
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Thank you so much, I have searching the web all over for this. YOU SERIOUSLY ROCK!!!!! Love from Kansas, US.
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