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 Jak połączyć kolumny daty i godziny w jedną kolumnę w arkuszach Google?

Autor: Xiaoyang Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2022-07-20

W arkuszach Google musisz połączyć kolumnę daty i godzinę w jedną kolumnę, jak pokazano na zrzucie ekranu, jak sobie z tym poradzić w arkuszach Google?

Połącz kolumny z datą i godziną w jedną kolumnę z formułą

doc połącz datę i godzinę 01

Połącz kolumny z datą i godziną w jedną kolumnę z formułą

Aby połączyć kolumny z datą i godziną w jedną kolumnę, pomoże Ci poniższa formuła:

1. Wprowadź tę formułę: =concatenate(text(A2,"mm/dd/yyyy")&" "&text(B2,"hh:mm:ss")) do pustej komórki, w której chcesz umieścić połączony wynik, a następnie naciśnij Wchodzę klucz, aby uzyskać pierwszą połączoną komórkę.

2. A następnie wybierz komórkę formuły i przeciągnij uchwyt wypełniania w dół do komórek, które chcesz połączyć, a kolumny daty i godziny zostały połączone w jedną kolumnę, patrz zrzut ekranu:

doc połącz datę i godzinę 02


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Comments (18)
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It doesn't work.

Please try this
=concatenate(text(A2;"mm/dd/yyyy")&" "&text(B2;"hh:mm:ss"))
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Same error to me

It doesn't work. I do not understand the message below. I don't need it explained to me. I just need a formula that works please. Thank you.
"There's a problem with this formula.
When trying to insert the formula Excel replies:

If you type: =1=1, cell shows : 2
To get around this, type an apostrphe (') first:
But if you type: '=1=1, cell shows: =1+1"
Why ?
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How do i make a graph in excel using the y-axis as hours and x-axis as date.
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I get the result like: 01/10/yyyy 14:15:00.000+03:00
Do you know how to remove the yyyy and get the actual year?
And do you know how to remove the GMT + 3 to a fixed hour?

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Hi, Monica
If the formula in this articel can't work correctly, please try this simple formula: A2+B2.
Thank you!
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Awesome, thank you! works perfectly on Google Sheets as well!
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After struggling for 30 minutes with this thing and getting results like "14/05/yyyy hh:12:02", I finally cracked the code. Instead of =concatenate try using basic =A2+B2...
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Work like a charm. . ..
Basic always win

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i just combine date and time cell using this formula but why it doesn't work on graph?
on graph show 00-01-1900 12:00:00AM
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Hello KA,Sorry to hear that. If you don't mind, could you please show us more details on this matter? A screenshot is the best. We will try our best to help you?Sincerely,Mandy
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Thank you for solving a problem that I have been wrestling with for the longest time!  None of the "help" on CONCATENATE worked for me, but your formula above worked instantly.  Fabulous!
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You are welcome. Glad it helps. Any question, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day.
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It doesn't work. I do not understand the message below. I don't need it explained to me. I just need a formula that works please. Thank you.
"There's a problem with this formula.
Not trying to type a formula?
When the first character is an equal(=) or minus (-) sign, Excel thinks it's a formula.
you type: =1=1, cell shows : 2
To get around this, type an apostrphe (') firts:
you type: '=1=1, cell shows: =1+1"
I have replaced the rows and cells numbers and letters and have done it several times.
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You have to replace the comma after the cell selection (in this case A2 and B2) with a semicolon.
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Apologies, I want to withdraw my previous comment. (I copied and pasted the formula, and I now realise that I can change the format.)
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