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Jak obliczyć procent tak i nie z listy w programie Excel?

Autor: Xiaoyang Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2018-08-20

Jak obliczyć procent tekstu tak i nie z listy komórek zakresu w arkuszu programu Excel? Może ten artykuł pomoże ci uporać się z zadaniem.

Oblicz procent tak i nie z listy komórek z formułą

Oblicz procent tak i nie z listy komórek z formułą

Aby uzyskać procent określonego tekstu z listy komórek, może Ci pomóc poniższa formuła, wykonaj następujące czynności:

1. Wprowadź tę formułę: =COUNTIF(B2:B15,"Yes")/COUNTA(B2:B15) do pustej komórki, w której chcesz uzyskać wynik, a następnie naciśnij Wchodzę do liczby dziesiętnej, patrz zrzut ekranu:

doc na tak 1

2. Następnie powinieneś zmienić ten format komórki na procent, a otrzymasz wynik, którego potrzebujesz, patrz zrzut ekranu:

doc na tak 2


1. W powyższym wzorze ,B2: B15 to lista komórek zawierających określony tekst, dla którego chcesz obliczyć procent;

2. Aby obliczyć procent braku tekstu, zastosuj tę formułę: =COUNTIF(B2:B15,"No")/COUNTA(B2:B15).

doc na tak 3

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Comments (19)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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i'm trying to use this formula, but some how it keeps gettings stuck on the dividing part.

what is wrong with the formula?
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I am want to use a function that calculate a rate of 1 to 5 using a percentage of each cell if the answer is yes. Rate = (country x 25%)+(role x 25%) + (age x 25%) + ( risk x 25%)
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I am looking to get a percentage of cells populated in a column. I have built a tracking sheet for a project where associates will enter their initials into the cells to show they have completed that task. I would like to show a percentage of tasks completed if that makes sense?

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Hi Mandy,

How do you use this formula =COUNTIF(B2:B15,"Yes")/COUNTA(B2:B15)

But to fetch data across multiple Sheets? For example I am looking for the word 'Yes' in a second sheet and third sheet but would like to populate the result on the first sheet.

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Hello, Jas
If you want to get the percentage of Yes from multiple sheets, may be the below formula can help you:


But, if you just need to put the result in another sheet, please apply the below formula:

Please have a try, hope it can help you! If you have any other question, please comment here.
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Why does this not work using the Tables parameters ?
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Forgot to mention, this returns 0 no matter the data
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Hello, Dan,
As you said, the formula does not work correctlly in a table format, so, you need to use it in a normal range. Please don't put the formula next to the table, locate it beyond the table, as below screenshot shown:

Please try, hope it can help you!
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gracias, me sirvió la formula para calcular el % de SI y NO
Rated 5 out of 5
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How do you use the countif when you are trying 3 different criteria to equal a percentage.
NA- should not impact the total combined percentage of Yes/No Answers. Using as an excel audit tool.


This formula is still decreasing total score when N/A is selected in cell.
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Hello Brandy,
Thanks for your message. In B1:B10, there are 3 different data: Yes/No/NA. To calculate the percentage of the number of Yes of the total number of Yes and No, please input the formula: =IF(B1="","",COUNTIF(B1:B10,"Yes")/(COUNTIF(B1:B10,"Yes")+COUNTIF(B1:B10,"NO"))). You will get the correct result.
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this worked HOWEVER, when I do a sort the % does not change with the sorted data. How can I get the % to change when I sort?
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Hello Nataile,
Glad to help. When you sort the data, you need to change the range in the Countif formula to absolute. Otherwise, the results will be wrong. For example, the first formula in the artical should be changed to: =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$15,"Yes")/COUNTA(B2:B15) . Please have a try.

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Trying to find a way to use the function

However, it says I can only have 2 arguments. Is there another function I have to use for this many ranges?

Any help is much appreciated!
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En utilisant votre formule j'arrive a une erreur et rien n'apparait est-ce normal ? d'autant plus que j'ai bien entré la formule ..
Pouvez vous m'aider svp ?
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