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Jak uzyskać monit lub potwierdzenie przed wysłaniem wiadomości e-mail w Outlooku?

Autor: Silvia Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2020-07-08

Wiele razy wysyłałeś wiadomość e-mail i zdawałeś sobie sprawę, że przegapiłeś coś ważnego lub coś nie tak pojawiło się w wiadomości e-mail kilka sekund później. Jak uniknąć wysyłania kłopotliwych wiadomości e-mail w Outlooku? Właściwie możesz ponownie potwierdzić wysłanie wiadomości e-mail po naciśnięciu przycisku Wyślij w programie Outlook. Metoda opisana w tym artykule może pomóc w pokazaniu problemu.

Uzyskaj monit lub potwierdzenie przed wysłaniem wiadomości e-mail z kodem VBA

Uzyskaj monit lub potwierdzenie przed wysłaniem wiadomości e-mail z kodem VBA

Poniższy kod VBA może pomóc w ponownym potwierdzeniu wysłania wiadomości e-mail po naciśnięciu przycisku Wyślij w programie Outlook. Wykonaj następujące czynności.

1. wciśnij inny + F11 klawisze, aby otworzyć Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications okno.

2. w Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications kliknij dwukrotnie, aby otworzyć Ta sesja programu Outlook code, a następnie skopiuj poniższy kod VBA do okna kodu.

Kod VBA: uzyskaj potwierdzenie przed wysłaniem wiadomości e-mail w programie Outlook

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xPrompt As String
Dim xOkOrCancel As Integer
On Error Resume Next
xPrompt = "Do you want to continue sending the email?"
xOkOrCancel = MsgBox(xPrompt, vbOKCancel)
If xOkOrCancel <> vbOK Then
    Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

3. wciśnij inny + Q klucze do zamknięcia Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications okno.

Od teraz, kiedy naciśniesz Wyślij przycisk, aby wysłać wiadomość e-mail w programie Outlook, pojawi się okno dialogowe z potwierdzeniem, jak pokazano na zrzucie ekranu. Kliknij OK aby wysłać tego e-maila, kliknij Anuluj aby kontynuować tworzenie wiadomości e-mail.

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Clicking on cancel , sends the message
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Hi, I get an error message when I run this VBA code.The error is "Compile error: Sub or function not defined."
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Hi the code is giving me an error saying "Compile error: Sub or Function not defined."What would be the cause for this?
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The reason it doesn't work when you restart Outlook is a secuirty one - the macro is not trusted by default, you have to self certify it. Follow the instructions on this site and it will all work fine after every restart...
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The solution worked for me once but I couldn't get it to work for me again. Any suggestions how to do that?
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The reason it doesn't work when you restart Outlook is a secuirty one - the macro is not trusted by default, you have to self certify it. Follow the instructions on this site and it will all work fine after every restart...
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This worked one time, after tha never worked again.
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The reason it doesn't work when you restart Outlook is a secuirty one - the macro is not trusted by default, you have to self certify it. Follow the instructions on this site and it will all work fine after every restart...
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Hi There,

For some reason, mine, it works well only for one day. The codes don't seem to work anymore the next day, although those codes remained intact,

Anyone has such experience and know why?

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The reason it doesn't work when you restart Outlook is a secuirty one - the macro is not trusted by default, you have to self certify it. Follow the instructions on this site and it will all work fine after every restart...
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Seeing same issue, any desired solution?
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Same issue, it doesn't work for next day or after relaunching outlook, any solution?
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Hi, i've got the same experience. Not sure yet how to solve this, i'm very new to VBA.
Would like to hear from you if you found a fix.
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Hello! Very useful and it works perfectly.

Is it possible to adjust the code so that it only pops up when there is an attachment? Similarly, is it possible to adjust it so it prompts the pop-up only when the message is sent externally (not to people of the company)?
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Hi There

Is it possible to get a message to come up only when an attachment is present, and only when sent externally?

Thank you very much!

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If you want the pop-up to only happen when you send to several emails, i.e. >10, how do you do that?

Oh and thanks, it works like a treat.
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