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Jak zapisać plik Excela z wartością komórki?

Autor: Xiaoyang Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2014-11-20

Czy korzystasz ze skoroszytu, czy kiedykolwiek myślałeś o zapisaniu pliku Excela na podstawie zawartości komórki? Na przykład masz „Cena sprzedaży” w komórce A1 i chcesz zapisać skoroszyt pod nazwą Cena sprzedaży. Oczywiście możesz wpisać nazwę w oknie dialogowym Zapisz jako, a następnie zapisać. Ale będzie to nieefektywna metoda pod względem ilości pracy. Dzisiaj opowiem o szybkiej sztuczce, aby go rozwiązać.

Zapisz plik Excel z określoną wartością komórki za pomocą kodu VBA

strzałka niebieski prawy bąbelek Zapisz plik Excel z określoną wartością komórki za pomocą kodu VBA

Poniższy kod VBA może pomóc w zapisaniu skoroszytu z określoną wartością komórki, wykonaj następujące czynności:

1. Przytrzymaj ALT + F11 klawisze, aby otworzyć Okno Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Kliknij wstawka > Modułi wklej następujący kod w Okno modułu.

Kod VBA: Zapisz plik Excel z określoną wartością komórki

Private Sub filename_cellvalue()
'Update 20141112
Dim Path As String
Dim filename As String
Path = "C:\Users\dt\Desktop\my information\"
filename = Range("A1")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=Path & filename & ".xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal
End Sub

3. A następnie naciśnij F5 klucz do wykonania kodu, a skoroszyt został nazwany jako zawartość komórki A1. Zobacz zrzut ekranu:



1. Możesz określić dowolną wartość komórki jako nazwę pliku, po prostu modyfikując odwołanie A1 do innej komórki w powyższym kodzie.

2. Twój aktywny skoroszyt zostanie zapisany w folderze C: \ Users \ dt \ Desktop \ moje informacje \ (ostatni ukośnik musi pozostać, gdy wkleisz swoją lokalizację do zamiast niej) lokalizacji, możesz zmienić ścieżkę do swoich potrzeb.

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mám jednu prosbu ... došel jsem do bodu, kdy mám nastavené ukládání souboru excel u s názvem podle dané buňky, ale nedaří se mi pomocí makra aktualizaci, aby se to uložilo s aktuálním názvem.
Asi dělaám něco při nahrávání makra.
Musím tedy spustit ALT+F11 a následně F5.
Může mi někdo pomoci?
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Hello, Petr,
If you want to auto save the workbook with the changed cell value, please apply the below code:
First, you should right click the sheet name contains the cell value you want to rename based on, and then click View Code to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, then copy and paste the below code into the blank sheet code. see screenshot:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    Dim Path As String
    Dim filename As String
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Path = "C:\Users\AddinsVM001\Desktop\Folder-1\"
        filename = Target
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=Path & filename & ".xlsx"
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End If
End Sub
After pasting the code, when you change the A1 cell value, a new excel file with this name will be saved into the specific location.

Note: please change the cell value and file path to oyur need.

Please try it, if you have any other problem, please comment here.
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I want the file "Offerte JCDecaux_" to be automaticly re-named when saving.
This by combining the file name & the result of formula (=TEXT(O9; "aammjj" ) & "." & O10 & "_" & A5) in cell O11 of worksheet OFFERTE.
The end result would for exemple need to be "Offerte JCDecaux_2205004.1_LEENTJE".

How do I do that?
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its very helpful for me 
i would like take the filename from an other workbook can anyone show me how to do this 
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I have updated this to work with Excel 2019 and to create a PDF:

Sub FileNameAsCellContent()

Dim userPath As String
Dim FileName1 As String
Dim FileName2 As String

userPath = Environ("UserProfile")

'Edit the save location here with first folder location after C:\Users\[user]\ or leave to save to Desktop
Const LOCATION As String = "\Desktop\"

'Select which cells to use in filename here
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
FileName1 = Range("F5")
FileName2 = Range("B6")

With ActiveSheet

'Edit filename format here or keep as default (default text - text.pdf)
PDFFullName = userPath & LOCATION & FileName1 & " - " & FileName2 & ".pdf"

ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, FileName:=PDFFullName, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, OpenAfterPublish:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End With
End Sub
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Hi, I’m wondering if anyone could help me. I have this pasted into my workbook but it returns a file name of FALSE.xlsm in the Documents folder rather than the specified path.
I had to tweak it to make this work, prior to tweaking it I was getting a Run-time error ‘1004’ Excel cannot access the file.
This is the amended code:
Sub filename_cellvalue()Dim Path As StringDim filename As StringPath = “C:\Users\DC\Documents\Planners\”Filename = Range (“K2”)ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename = (Path & Filename & “.xlsm”)End Sub
Using Excel 2016
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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can anyone please help with a solution, i've managed to get the output correctly if the cell is not blank

Private Sub Saveas()

Dim path As String

Dim filename1 As String

path = "C:\User\Compwork\"

filename1 = path & Range("G4") & " " & "-" & " " & Range("G6") & " " & "-" & " " & Range("H7") & " " & "VTError"

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

ActiveWorkbook.Saveas filename1, FileFormat:=52, CreateBackup:=False

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("report").ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=x1typePDF, Filename:=filename1

Application.DisplayAlerts = True


End Sub

However, my problem is I'd like to save a filename without leaving a space if the cell value is NULL for instance, if G6 value is blank then i like to the output "G4-H7 VTError".

Any there a way to approach this?

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can anyone please help with a solution, i've managed to get the output correctly if the cell is not blank

Private Sub Saveas()

Dim path As String

Dim filename1 As String

path = "C:\User\Compwork\"

filename1 = path & Range("G4") & " " & "-" & " " & Range("G6") & " " & "-" & " " & Range("H7") & " " & "VTError"

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

ActiveWorkbook.Saveas filename1, FileFormat:=52, CreateBackup:=False

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("report").ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=x1typePDF, Filename:=filename1

Application.DisplayAlerts = True


End Sub

However, my problem is I'd like to save a filename without leaving a space if the cell value is NULL for instance, if G6 value is blank then i like to the output "G4-H7 VTError".
Any there a way to approach this?

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I have a control button for saving as PDF with a specific name to a specific location already working, but I want to modify the code as the filename is the name of the active sheet plus the value of a specific cell from another sheet. How do I do that? This is what I have for saving as PDF:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
filename:="\\U:\Documents\My_IT_Stuff\T&A\PP11", _
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Thank you!
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Hi. I am very excited it could work but for me in it is saying "BASIC runtime error. Sob-procedure or function procedure not defined." and arrow indicating line 6. What should I do?
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Se a célula de referencia estiver em uma outra planilha já aberta? Como faço?
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