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Jak znaleźć wartość w komórce z listą oddzieloną przecinkami w programie Excel?

Autor: Silvia Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2020-12-15

Przypuśćmy, że masz kolumnę zawierającą wartości oddzielone przecinkami, takie jak Sales, 123, AAA, a teraz chcesz sprawdzić, czy wartość 123 w komórce oddzielonej przecinkami, jak możesz to zrobić? Ten artykuł przedstawi metodę rozwiązania problemu.

Znajdź wartość w komórce z listą oddzieloną przecinkami i formułą

Znajdź wartość w komórce z listą oddzieloną przecinkami i formułą

Poniższa formuła może pomóc w znalezieniu wartości w komórce z listą oddzieloną przecinkami w programie Excel. Wykonaj następujące czynności.

1. Wybierz pustą komórkę, wprowadź formułę =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(123,A2)),"yes","no") do paska formuły, a następnie naciśnij klawisz Enter. Zobacz zrzut ekranu:

Note: we wzorze A2 to komórka zawierająca wartości oddzielone przecinkami, które znajdziesz.

2. Kontynuuj wybieranie komórki wynikowej i przeciągnij uchwyt wypełnienia w dół, aby uzyskać wszystkie wyniki. Jeśli wartość „123” znajduje się w komórkach oddzielonych przecinkami, wynik zostanie wyświetlony jako „Tak”; w przeciwnym razie jako wynik otrzymasz „Nie”. Zobacz zrzut ekranu:

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It’s working for single value, how do I find multiple values. Example: search values (101, 402,110) it might have all 3 or only one or two values and find cell will have any of three or all three or two.
1. Cell 1: 101 cell 2: 101,402,110,202,220
2. Cell 1: 101,402 cell 2: 101,402,202,220,110
3. Cell 1: 110,101,402 cell 2: 101,402,202,220,110

Pls advice
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Hey, I still cant figure this out. I am still having the same problem. instead of using number in the formula I am using a cell reference. for example if i am searching for "1"(Q$1) in (123, 25,29,200)($J2) it is still giving me YES. The formula is =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Q$1,$J2)),"yes","no")

PS: I have a big data set I cannot put commas before and after in every cell. Will appreciate a solution
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Hi Hassam

Just use the following formula without the IF function. If the number matches exactly, you will get the result "TRUE", otherwise you will get the result "FALSE".
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Hi All, I have a cell that has multiple countries separated by commas
Example : A2 cell value is (India, Japan, Malaysia, Greater China)
Column G has the country names
Now , I need to find look for a formula that compares value from column G to value in A2 cell .
If the value matches, then return true otherwise return False
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Hi Mohini Verma,
The formula can be modified as follows:
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How about this please, I need to get the values in A and equate them with the figures in C and return the values in B separated as in commas respectively to C.

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Hi duncan,
If you are using Excel for 365, the following formula can help solving the problem.
This formula only works in Excel for 365. For other Excel versions other than Excel for 365, I have not found a formula that handles it..
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Hi Please help

I have table in Excel with two columns A & B, under A there are value Eg A2 Cell has 1,2,2,1,2,1,2 etc ( only has two numbers 1 and 2 but needs to recognise it has only 1 & 2 in the whole cell and no other number) and A3 has 1,1,1 and A4 has 0, A5 has 2,2,2,2 and A6 has 20. i want B2 should return the value for A2 as Asia, B3 Africa, B4 as None, B5 as America and B6 as Europe. I thought i could use the if formula but it is not able to recognise comma separated numbers and return value). Please Help
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This is a really cool formula, but it has ... flaw? ... that I cannot figure out how to work around it. "Flaw" is not the correct word, but I cannot think (it's 8:30 am on Monday) of the right word.
When you are looking for any part of a number, you get "yes". So, the following all return "yes":

I tried wrapping the numbers in quotes to no avail. The formula works perfectly for the example's use case, in which all of the numbers are of the same length. But if you are looking for a shorter number that happens to appear in the string, you get a false positive.
Is there an alternative to "SEARCH" that is more literal (again, is that the word? haha)? 
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Hi Scott S.,Do you mean search for the exact string?
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Hi, Crystal.
Yes, I suppose that is the way to phrase it. 
The current solution will return “Yes” for any part of the number string. So the numbers 1, 2, 3, 12, 23, and 123 will all return “Yes”. 
I have been trying to come up with a solution that will search a string of numbers and return “Yes” for an exact match. 
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Hi Scott S,Thanks for your feedback. I haven't found the solution yet and will get back to you if I found it.
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I have found a solution. If you add a comma to the left and right of your list it will require the search function to find an exact match from comma to comma. See example below:

This will return false because there is no variable from comma to comma (,12,) that matches the search. 
If you need further clarification let me know and ill post a better example.I was having the same problem when automating a report for my boss and had an epiphany. :)
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Hey, I still cant figure this out. I am still having the same problem. instead of using number in the formula I am using a cell reference. for example if i am searching for "1"(Q$1) in (123, 25,29,200)($J2) it is still giving me YES. The formula is =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Q$1,$J2)),"yes","no")

PS: I have a big data set I cannot put commas before and after in every cell. Will appreciate a solution
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I have found a solution for this. If you add a comma to the left and right of your list and include them (like a sandwich) in your search it'll allow you to find an exact match. Example below:
This way it forces the search to match from one comma to the other rather than just part of the entry from the list. Hope this is what you were looking for?
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Good Morning to all.I have a excel question that how to count comma separated specific values in a single cell in excel.I want to count no of 15's in a single cell that contains 15,215,15,155,45,1515,15 I need the result 3. Is there any formula in excel.
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Yes, there is a function in Excel that can do this for you. However, as explained in the problem above to gain better accuracy for your data add a comma to the left and right of your list and include it in your search. See example below:
=COUNTIF(A1, ",15,")
The explanation of this formula is as follows: =COUNTIF(cell number or range, value your looking for/counting)
Let me know if you need a better example.
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