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Jak zaimportować urodziny z Excela do kalendarza Outlooka?

Autor: Xiaoyang Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2022-10-19

Jeśli masz długą listę informacji o urodzinach w arkuszu, teraz chcesz zaimportować te urodziny do kalendarza programu Outlook jako wydarzenia. Jak możesz poradzić sobie z tym zadaniem za pomocą kilku szybkich metod?

Importuj urodziny z Excela do kalendarza Outlooka za pomocą kodu VBA

Zwykle nie ma bezpośredniego sposobu na zaimportowanie urodzin do kalendarza programu Outlook, tutaj utworzę kod VBA, aby rozwiązać ten problem, wykonaj następujące czynności:

1. Otwórz arkusz zawierający urodziny, które chcesz zaimportować do programu Outlook, a następnie przytrzymaj klawisz ALT + F11 klawisze, aby otworzyć Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications okno.

2. Kliknij wstawka > Modułi wklej następujący kod w oknie modułu.

Kod VBA: importuj urodziny do kalendarza programu Outlook

Sub ImportBirthdaysToCalendar()
'Updateby ExtendOffice
Dim xWs As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xRng As Range
Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xCalendarFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim xAppointmentItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim xRecurrencePattern As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
Dim xRow As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set xWs = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set xRng = Application.InputBox("Please select the data range (only two columns):", "Kutools for Excel", , , , , , 8)
If xRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If xRng.Columns.Count <> 2 Then
  MsgBox "You can only select two columns", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Kutools for Excel"
  Exit Sub
End If
Set xOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xCalendarFld = xOlApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
For xRow = 1 To xRng.Rows.Count
  Set xAppointmentItem = xCalendarFld.Items.Add("IPM.Appointment")
  With xAppointmentItem
    .Subject = xRng.Cells(xRow, 1) & Chr(39) & "s Birthday"
    .AllDayEvent = True
    .Start = xRng.Cells(xRow, 2)
    Set xRecurrencePattern = .GetRecurrencePattern
    xRecurrencePattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursYearly
  End With
Set xWs = Nothing
Set xCalendarFld = Nothing
Set xOlApp = Nothing
End Sub

3. Wciąż w Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications okno, kliknij Tools > Referencje. W wyskoczył Referencje - VBAProject okno dialogowe, zaznacz Biblioteka obiektów programu Microsoft Outlook 16.0 opcja z Dostępne referencje pole listy, zobacz zrzut ekranu:

4. Następnie kliknij OK aby zamknąć to okno dialogowe. Teraz naciśnij F5 klucz, aby uruchomić ten kod, i pojawi się okienko z monitem, wybierz kolumny nazwy i urodzin, patrz zrzut ekranu:

5. A następnie kliknij OK przycisk, urodziny zostaną zaimportowane do kalendarza programu Outlook od razu, możesz uruchomić program Outlook, aby wyświetlić wynik, zobacz zrzut ekranu:

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Hi Skyyang,

I'm trying to use the code to import the birthdays into a Sharepoint Events List, which is located in my outlook as calendar, but when i run and then select the calendar the recurrances briefly show up and then vanish again right away.
I did successfully import the recurrances into my personal Calendar but I need it to go to the sharepoint calendar to share it with the company :( any ideas?

kind regards
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This is very helpful, thank you! Do you have a specific VBA code for the import, but specifically goes to the "Birthday" calendar in Outlook?

Also, now that I've imported to my calendar, is there an easy way to remove all of those inputted, if needed?

Thank you!
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Hello, Sam,
May be the below VBA code can do you a favor:

Sub ImportBirthdaysToCalendar()
'Updateby ExtendOffice
Dim xWs As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xRng As Range
Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim xCalendarFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim xAppointmentItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim xRecurrencePattern As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
Dim xRow As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set xWs = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set xRng = Application.InputBox("Please select the data range (only two columns):", "Kutools for Excel", , , , , , 8)
If xRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If xRng.Columns.Count <> 2 Then
  MsgBox "You can only select two columns", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Kutools for Excel"
  Exit Sub
End If
Set xOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
'Set xCalendarFld = xOlApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set xCalendarFld = xOlApp.Session.PickFolder
If xCalendarFld.DefaultItemType <> olAppointmentItem Then
  MsgBox "Please Select calendar folder. ", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Kutools for Outlook"
  Exit Sub
End If
For xRow = 1 To xRng.Rows.Count
  Set xAppointmentItem = xCalendarFld.Items.Add("IPM.Appointment")
  With xAppointmentItem
    .Subject = xRng.Cells(xRow, 1) & Chr(39) & "s Birthday"
    .AllDayEvent = True
    .Start = xRng.Cells(xRow, 2)
    Set xRecurrencePattern = .GetRecurrencePattern
    xRecurrencePattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursYearly
  End With
Set xWs = Nothing
Set xCalendarFld = Nothing
Set xOlApp = Nothing
End Sub

After running this code, you can create a new folder in the calendar, and the imported birthday will be saved in this new folder, if you need to remove the birthdays, you just need go to this folder, and delete them at once.
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Hi Skyyang,

I'm trying to use the code to import the birthdays into a Sharepoint Events List, which is located in my outlook as calendar, but when i run and then select the calendar the recurrances briefly show up and then vanish again right away.
I did successfully import the recurrances into my personal Calendar but I need it to go to the sharepoint calendar to share it with the company :( any ideas?

kind regards
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Hi Skyyang,

I'm trying to use the code to import the birthdays into a Sharepoint Events List, which is located in my outlook as calendar, but when i run and then select the calendar the recurrances briefly show up and then vanish again right away.
I did successfully import the recurrances into my personal Calendar but I need it to go to the sharepoint calendar to share it with the company :( any ideas?

kind regards
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